Senior No-Tap -- No-Tap: knock down 8 or 9 pins on your first ball and you get a strike! Monday 

Afternoons starting at 12:30 PM. This is not a league, so

there is no commitment. For both men and women senior citizens.

Begins June 3rd, 2019. Come on out!Make new friends!
Adult Child -- July 8 - August 26, 2019.
Ladies Fun Day -- Tuesday Mornings starting at 10:00 AM. This is not a league, so

so there is no weekly commitment -- come only when you want to
Begins June 4th, 2019. Make some new friends! Lots of fun!
Tuesday Sr Triples-- Tuesday 12:30 PM 3 Person Teams Mixed or All The Same Gender. 
80% Handicap. Starts June 4th 2018. Still openings for some individuals!
HST Mixed -- Monday at 7:00 PM. 4 Person Teams Mixed or All The Same Gender. 
90% Handicap. Starts May 15th 2019. Openings for some teams & individuals!
Wednesday Ladies Lunch "League" - Starts June 5th. 2 Person Teams. Okay, It's not a league, but it 

includes 2 games of bowling and your lunch. How can you go wrong? So come out with your best-ie and meet some other ladies too!
Miller Lite -- Wednesdays at 7:30 PM. 3 Person Teams. Bowl 4 games Scratch Head to Head. against
2 opponents a night . Acompetitive league for men & women sponsored by Miller Lite Beer. Good league to stay in tune for the winter season and work on your game. Starts May 15 2019.
Thursday Handicap Triples -- Thursdays at 7:00 PM. 90% Handicapped and Bowl Head-to-Head.
Starts June 6th, 2019.Still have team openings!
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